Camera-ready Submission
1. Paper Template
Please go for IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.
Note: The paper not prepared with the template may be rejected!
2. IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF Instructions
For the accepted paper, the camera-ready paper(a maximum of 8 pages, extra page fee should be paid if more than 8 pages) should be converted into a PDF file and verified for Xplore compliance by IEEE PDF eXpress. Go to and convert your file to an IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file or check your PDF file for IEEE Xplore compliance.
First-time users should do the following:
1. Select “New Users-Click Here”
2. Enter the following:
Ø 51454X for the Conference ID
Ø your email address
Ø a password
3. Continue to enter information as prompted
An online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
3. Camera-ready Paper Submission
Please be reminded again that the deadline for camera-ready papers is Nov. 20th, 2020. Below is the LINK to the BigDIA 2020 Author’s Final Paper Submission:!/auth/login?ak=1&pid=1oC3iKkjlUYvNntUZqKm0j
We are working with IEEE CPS to finalize the Author Kit. Authors of the accepted papers should use the LINK to verify the paper, submit the paper’s copyright, and submit the final paper. Please note that IEEE CPS has its own process and website for collection and verification of the final camera-ready papers. Please DO NOT upload your final paper to EasyChair, which is only used for submission
and review.
Notice: Please register and make the payment before final submission. An accepted paper without registration will be removed from the IEEE BigDIA2020 proceedings to be published in the Computer Society Digital Library and the IEEE Xplore™.
Questions on Camera-ready Submission:
Contact: Lisa OConner (IEEE CPS editor for BigDIA2020)
Contact: Ms. Liang Zhang Email: Tel: (86)731-87006223 |